Join me for Filipino Story Time!

Image from The Filipino School of New York & New Jersey

Image from The Filipino School of New York & New Jersey

Heads up! I’ll be doing online story time and reading my latest picture book Soaring Saturdays on the Bergenfield Library Facebook Page this Saturday, December 12, 2020, at 10 AM EST.

Thank you so much to The Filipino School of New York and New Jersey for this opportunity to share this story! Tune in till the end for a quick arts & crafts activity where you’ll learn to make your own postcards for the people you miss, and maybe even the ones that are lucky to be around you, but who you’re so grateful for!

I hope you enjoy the story, and if you do end up making your postcards, I’d love it if you tagged me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @sophianleewrites! Thank you!


Writing: Life - writing from home and away from it


Things I’ve loved lately